


Polyvalent vaccine, inactivated, purified and adjuvanted with aluminum hydroxide intended for prevention

by active immunization of primary or secondary pasteurella infections due to

Pasteurella multocida and Mannheimia haemolytica. Mixture of concentrated and purified toxoids

and anacultures of Pasteurella multocida type A, Pasteurella multocida type D and Mannheimia

haemolytica type A1.

Pharmaceutical form:

Suspension for injection.


Prevention by active immunization of Ruminants

against enzootic bronchopneumonia and the form

septicemia of pasteurellosis.


Subcutaneous route.

Bovine species: In front or behind the shoulder.

Sheep and goat species: Behind the elbow or on the face

inner thighs.

Vaccination dose: 2 ml for cattle/1 ml for young ruminants.

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